Mailing List Creation


This feature allows projects or Foundation officers to create mailing lists under the namespace.

Canonical URL

Services managed by this feature

Intended audience

This feature is intended for top-level projects and podlings, and Foundation officers.

Access level(s) required

Access to this feature is as follows:

  • PMC chairs: May request new mailing lists for the subdomain that corresponds to the project they are the chair of (for instance, the chair of the httpd project may create lists for
  • Foundation members: May request new mailing lists for the entire * namespace

Creation of mailing lists is delayed by 24 hours by design, to allow for human audit of the request, if needed. This process may be expedited by Infrastructure if deemed necessary.

Notification scheme

When a new mailing list is requested, a receipt of the request is sent to the requestor and to the Infrastructure private list. Once the list has been created (after the delay mentioned earlier), a notification will be sent to both and, if the mailing list belongs to a project, the private list of said project.